I am a Professional Associate Member of the SAA (The Society for All Artists) and you will find my information and class details on the SAA web site, if you would like further information on the SAA then please use the contact page and I will be happy to send it on.
I am also a Certified Instructor of the Bob Ross Wet on Wet Technique
- And my Paint Your Own days reflect this basing many of the paintings
on the Work of Bob Ross using his products and equipment. On these
painting days you choose what you would like to paint from the choices
on the Paint With Me - Under Gallery, the dates are listed with the paintings -
all the materials are supplied and you leave at the end of the day with
your own completed painting, I am Certified to teach Landscape, Seascapes, Floral's and wildlife. And now offer a range of Watercolour and Acrylic options,
There are currently a number of paintings permanently located at galleries in the area which are for sale at that venue and not
necessarily listed on the site and at various shops around the area, all support is
appreciated. About me: -
I began studying art as a major interest in 2004 - prior to that it was just an interest, the odd doodle has over time become both an obsession and a constant source of pleasure. In 2006 I decided that if I was to achieve anything then more time needed to be given to the subject and I began studying art in a more organised manner, having work accepted into galleries for sale. In 2010 I launched my first Art Website and have continued to create and expand my understandings and training. I attend classes and workshops regularly because there is always something else to learn and it gives me the opportunity to try different mediums and styles without committing myself. I mostly work in oils and acrylics but love watercolour and pastel too. I do not consider I have a 'Style' and tend to paint whatever appeals to me at that time. I paint or undertake some art based activity daily and although I love the freedom of choice I understand that Practice is the only way of improving.
I have now been running painting workshops for a number of years, not all the workshops have photos, some are private bookings. I love the workshops, I learn as much by teaching as by attending other artists workshops.
Sketching is a favourite I can often be found out and about with my sketch pad, one is nearly always just left in the car, and I think its safe to say one of the subjects I love best are trees. I have books of sketches, and if it should ever happen that I can't think of anything to paint, (never happened yet) all I need to do is take a look in a sketch pad.
I would love to say every piece of work ends up on this site, but that would be untrue, there are many disasters or pieces that just do not work out as expected and end up in re-cycling or scrap paper or stuffed into a cupboard.
I have been very lucky on my journey through Art, not that I expect to ever stop learning. I have met some wonderful people, great teachers, who are not only wonderful artists, but share and pass on their own learning and knowledge, supporting and encouraging their students and those they meet. I hope one day that the same can be said for me.!!!
I continue to have many interests, including Spinning & weaving in fact all forms of handcrafts if you would be interested in further information then please contact me - I continue to sell hand made items in other outlets.
I am also a qualified therapist and healer as well as running esoteric courses. There are so many things to do, and some days it is a bit like juggling with eggs, but it just about works.
So welcome to my world, it may be strange but it is a mostly happy place.