Elemental Arts hold Classes and Workshops in Leegomery and Hadley Telford also at other venues within the area. Please ensure you have full details of the venue for the class or workshop you are taking.

Work available at Wellington Art Gallery. Cards at The Little Green Pantry Wellington, Art at Aspidistra Llandrindod Wells, Powys. 
The Coach House Cafe & Bistro, Gwystre, Powys.LD1 6RN

Art Classes Tuesday 1pm - 3.30pm Leegomery Community Centre, Leegate Avenue Telford TF1 6NA
Art Classes Wednesday 10.30am - 12.30 pm 1.00 pm The Hadley Community Centre, High Street, Hadley, Telford. TF1 5NL


If you would like a demonstration at a local group or event, then please contact me to discuss arrangements..